Book by Tacitus on the life of his father-in-law Gnaeus Julius Agricola.
Database serves as the catalog and index for the collections of the United States National Agricultural Library.
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1O fortunatus nimium agricola, who has one horse, and that a good one, in the middle of a hunting country!
2Agricola did not perceive the irony of despair contained in these words.
3Just then, Adrienne and Agricola appeared on the threshold of the chamber.
4Agricola only mentioned your name once, and I have not forgotten it.
5So M. Agricola will have to support the whole family by himself.
6Reflecting upon the important revelations which Agricola had to make to Mdlle.
7Agricola, who was their leader, held in his hand a heavy sledge-hammer.
8Nor did Agricola ever vaunt his exploits to blazon his own fame.
9It was from this post that the soldier had seen Agricola's danger.
10While I was on my knees before his mother, Agricola went out.
11When Dagobert, Agricola, and Mother Bunch separated, it was already dark night.
12And if we should not succeed-ifAgricola and me should be arrested-well
13At a sign from Agricola, Dagobert answered: Nothing; the consequence of a fall.
14Loyang is actually a predecessor to Agricola-itwas designed earlier but published later.
15Two knocks at the door of the garret made Agricola start.
16Thus conversing, Angela and Agricola had reached the garden-gate of the Common Dwelling-house.
Translations for agricola